Great Rim
It is our challenge to bring this mission into realization and to ensure that each project.
Always moving forward,
trusted and do the best
let us help you grow
Herry dharmawan MSc
Indonesian citizen, born in Bireun – Aceh on 6 Dec 1979; earned a degree in Petroleum Engineering from UPN Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2003), received MSc Petroleum of the Gubkin Oil and Gas University, Moscow – Russian (2011); Domestic and International experience since 2003, as well as Director within the Great Rim International of companies.
Our Charity Foundation
Aceh Bersatu Maju foundation Actives to donation some income to Yatim (without father or mother) children’s and Poor Family as social responsibility to each other in local company area. At these moment we support at least 50 Yatim (without father or mother) children’s and 50 low economic income continuously and every month, future target more than 1000 Yatim (without father or mother) children’s and 1000 poor family and More.
Contact Us
Jln Mangga 2 No 3 Lamduro,
Darussalam – Aceh Besar Indonesia - +62-82161789277